Dr. Justin Brown's thoughts

Dr. Justin Brown's thoughts
The innate driven life means living from within in all you do. As a chiropractor, I am called to remove interference from the nervous system through specific chiropractic adjustments allowing the innate wisdom of the body to express itself fully. Innate is the inner force that runs your life. Innate heals and protects you, and serves you in every way possible maximize life. Please read on to discover how an innate driven life enriches your life in every way.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can Chiropractic help with Cancer?

Can Chiropractic help with Cancer?  This is a common question I get asked and very important to know considering how many people get cancer every year.  The numbers are staggering (600,000 new cases per year).  Cancer comes in many forms so the question is extremely broad but still can be answered simply.  Chiropractic has one principle and one focus.  Detection and correction of spinal subluxation distorting normal natural flow of nerve impulses from brain to body.  Cancer is an accumulation of abnormal, malfunctioning or destructive cells.  Common sense tells us cells recieving normal natural nerve flow do not produce abnormal cells.  Chiropractic is not a cure for cancer or any disease for that matter.  Chiropractic can help people with Cancer of any other disease if they concurrently have subluxation.  Chiropractic naturally restores normal nerve function from above down and inside out.  The tissues requiring immediate attention will be of greatest importance for the body to heal.  The intelligence that runs the body always knows whats best.  Chiropractic removes any interference to the intelligence that maintains life. 
Freddy came to our office 3 months ago with an MRI report and diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma.  He decided against the traditional chemo and radiation and preferred maximizing his life force rather than extinguishing.  Last Tuesday, he brought us his most recent MRI report indicating there are no signs of cancer.  I did not cure his cancer.  I removed pressure from his brain stem.  The power that created Freddy is the same power that cleared his body of abnormal cellular action that was titled cancer. 
There are no limits to the power within. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Time is NOW

This weekend we went to an incredible gathering of 500 principled chiropractors from around the world.  It is always an inspiring experience to be surrounded by people who have a burning desire to serve humanity. I am so honored and humbled to be with people the desire to change the world with their two hands through the specific, powerful, innate chiropractic adjustment.
This weekend was a wonderful celebration of the gift of chiropractic in my life.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my gifts with everyone this weekend as one of the featured speakers.  God has called me to inspire others to become better chiropractors from the inside out.

With Love,

Justin Brown, DC

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Transforming Lives Through Gentle Touch

We were blessed to share our life-saving message of natural health with a church in Hialeah last week and we have been able to help a large Spanish speaking population throughout this week.  Although we may speak different languages, the principles of health and healing remain unchanged.  God’s universal intelligence is within man and is thereby named innate intelligence.  An example of innate is the power that heals a cut or mends a broken bone.  It is never the topical cream or the band aid that heals, it is the wisdom from within the body.   Innate is the life energy that allows all parts to function together as a whole.  Stresses of life in the physical and the mental distort innate setting the stage for dis-ease.   It is so easy for these incredible faith filled families to understand how life is expressed from above, down, inside, out. 

We adjusted a woman last week, who had been unable to walk or work for over a month and a half and she went back to work for the first time on Friday.  We adjusted a special baby this week that stood up for the first time, showing dramatic increased muscle coordination and cognition.  NUCCA chiropractic is transforming our community to choose natural healing over harmful drugs and surgeries.  I am honored to adjust and see our practice members bodies to heal naturally.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Many times people will come into the office telling me about the "miraculous" results they have experienced after getting a specific upper neck adjustment.  They literally think it is magic or some mysterious power healed them.  I often celebrate this wonderful change with them but know that the real miracle is the LIFE inside the living person.  The LIFE is distorted when the head and neck compress the brainstem and interfere with mental impulses through the central nervous system.  When we specifically correct the spinal misalignment and restore proper life force into the body the "miracle" takes place.  LIFE is restored.  The inborn, innate intelligence maximizes its potential to the cells, tissues, and organs.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The time is NOW

How is it that we as humans know exactly what to do in order to get what we want in life, yet we still do not choose to do what it takes.  Every mentor of mine over the last 10 years has told me to wake up early EVERY DAY.  I know that is a success principle.  I don't wonder if it works for some people and not for others.  In order to get completely clear, connected, and in tune with God, it takes at least 30 minutes of prayer, deep breathing, reading, and journaling to prepare for all of the people counting on me as their chiropractor.  I wake up early, 5:00 am most mornings of the week, BUT I was not waking up EVERY morning of the week in preparation.  Now it is public.  I have voiced that I am now a person that dedicated 7 days a week to waking up before the world does to prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually to serve the masses.  So I am now prepared to see more people, serve more, and save more people.  The time is now.  As you read this, think about how are you preparing yourself to achieve all you want in life.  Do the right thing today.  Let that one step propel you to the next 10 or 20 right things.  Wake up the next day, ON TIME, with purpose and do the right thing.  Do not become weary in doing good.  Whether it is our health, relationships, finances or anything else, the success consists in the climb.  Now is the time to make change and take charge.  God has a huge purpose for each of us so stop playing it safe.  The harvest is already there but do you believe you deserve it.  If so, go get it and enjoy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't sweat the technique...or should you?

Have you ever been told to go to a chiropractor yet not really understand why or what you can expect when you get there?  As a chiropractor I would like to apologize on behalf of my profession for the terrible job chiropractic has done at explaining what chiropractic is and who can benefit.  Chiropractic is a science, philosophy and art of all things natural.  It is the practice of locating spinal subluxation or misalignment and specifically adjusting the subluxation to restore full capacity of healing intelligence to the body.  The chiropractic adjustment is largely misunderstood as a general manipulation.  A specific, scientific chiropractic adjustment restores proper spinal alignment thereby allowing full expression of life force through the nervous system to the body.  Chiropractic has very little to do with auto injuries or a “crick” in the neck.  Chiropractic has everything to do with maximizing expression of life through the body.  The adjustment normalizes quantity and quality of mental impulse from the brain to the tissue cells fortifying the growth, function, and health of the body as a whole. 
Chiropractic was discovered in 1895 when D.D. Palmer found a lump in a deaf man’s neck and decided to “push” the bump back into place.  The man’s hearing restored and chiropractic took root.  In 1897, Palmer School of Chiropractic was established in Davenport, IA.  Palmer is widely known as the fountainhead of chiropractic because this is where it was discovered and then developed by the legendary, Dr. B.J. Palmer.  Just last weekend, I had the great fortune of touring the B.J. Palmer Mansion on the campus of Palmer College of Chiropractic.  Learning more about B.J. Palmer never ceases to amaze me when I think about all one man accomplished in his lifetime.  Dr. Palmer was an inventor, scientist, School President, Owner of radio and television stations, owned a printing press, researcher, and author of 36 books, world traveler and humanitarian.  Not to mention Chiropractor in private practice seeing thousands of people per week from all over the country.
A common misconception about chiropractic is that all chiropractic is the same.  It is not uncommon for a misinformed consumer to say,” I already tried a chiropractor” with no understanding of what that actually means.  That reminds me of my friend Jon who does not like the taste of bananas.  If he decided he dislikes all fruit because he tried a banana once and did not like it, he would miss out on all the wonderful fruits the world has to offer.  What a shame.   In Chiropractic, there are over one hundred techniques of adjusting the spine so I will describe some of them to you.
It is critical to understand that only chiropractic techniques will be discussed because physical therapy, massage, footbaths, nutritional counseling and distribution or any other modality is not chiropractic and has an insignificant role in this discussion.  If chiropractic is what you are seeking, find a chiropractor that has a passion for practicing chiropractic and has become a master at his or her art. 
The most commonly practiced techniques are full spine techniques of osseous adjusting or adjusting different areas of the neck, middle back, low back and pelvis.  These adjustments are most often accomplished with the patient laying face down on a chiropractic table and the Chiropractor applying a quick thrust to a vertebra.  A small amount of gas is often released from the joint creating an audible.  Examples of full spine techniques include Gonstead, Diversified, Motion Palpation and Thompson to name a few.  These techniques typically analyze the spine using x-rays and palpation of the spine. 
There are several techniques developed more recently using adjusting instruments.  The Activator, Atlas Orthogonal, and Torque Release techniques use an adjusting instrument to accomplish what is being done by hand utilizing other techniques.  Again, these techniques are gentle, safe, and effective when done by the skilled, well trained chiropractor.  The instruments may be applied to several levels of the spine or to one area in particular.    
A smaller percentage of the chiropractic profession focuses on upper cervical or upper neck adjusting.  In fact, BJ Palmer focused his efforts on teaching and practicing upper cervical chiropractic.  The reason Upper Cervical Chiropractors choose to adjust the upper spine only is simple.  The Upper neck bone called the atlas is the only freely movable vertebrae in the spine and protects the most important part of the spinal cord.  If you remember back to when Christopher Reeves (superman) fell off a horse and fractured his atlas (c1), his body stopped functioning from the neck down.  The reason being he damaged nerves in his neck that control all body function.  Even a small misalignment in the top of the neck can cause health problems throughout the body.   Upper Cervical Chiropractors often rely heavily on very specific x-rays of the head and neck.  The adjustment is done with the patient lying on his or her side.  The adjustment is gentle, painless, and effective at restoring proper head and neck position thereby maximizing life expression.  NUCCA, Kale, Knee Chest, and Blair are a few examples of upper cervical chiropractic techniques. 
Regardless of technique, when the chiropractic adjustment is given with the right analysis, specificity, intent, and skill, it restores the brain’s power to the body and maximizes self healing from above down and from the inside out.  All techniques mentioned are effective for children, seniors and everyone in between.  So you ask, “Who can benefit from Chiropractic.”  The better question is “Who wouldn’t benefit from chiropractic.”
 Dr. Justin Brown is an upper cervical Chiropractor practicing NUCCA technique.  To learn more visit www.nucca.org or www.familyspinalcare.com.  He and his wife are owners of Friends and Family Spinal Care in Coral Springs.  For questions or comments, you may contact Dr. Brown at (954) 369-1212 or drbrown@familyspinalcare.com.